Find Your Hidden Rogue! Recreational opportunities abound on the RRSNF: white water kayaking and rafting, wilderness exploration, lake and stream fishing, snowmobiling... Hundreds of miles of trails welcome users of all types and abilities: those on horses, bicycles, motorcycles, skis, and foot will all find their adventure on the RRSNF! Come explore, discover your hidden, inner rogue, and get outdoors! Recreation Opportunity Guides:Online! These printable guides include trail and site information, as well as driving directions and full-color maps! Click below for more information! Spotlight: Go There! Accessible Recreation on the Rogue River Siskiyou NF The RRSNF has two sites that are wheelchair-accessible: Ludlum House and Packers Cabin, both of which are located on the Gold Beach Ranger District! In this acclaimed video series, you can join John Williams from Wheelchair Destinations as he takes you to these two sites, and highlights all that they have to offer for everyone! Recreation Map A map showing recreation areas. <br/> <small><a href=",41.7759,-121.4042,43.1716&home=true&zoom=true&scale=false&basemap_gallery=true&disable_scroll=true&theme=light" style="text-align: left; color: rgb(0, 0, 255);" target="_blank">View larger map</a></small></div>