

Questions we get asked a lot

Is Campflare an app?
As of recently, Campflare has both an iOS App and website! Both are free, and let you receive fast availability alerts. However, the app lets you manage your alerts, requests, and view realtime availability for thousands of campgrounds.

How often does Campflare check each campground for openings?
We check each campground every 45 seconds or so, but it depends on the campground. The more popular the campground, the more we check it.

How does Campflare work?
We monitor campground reservation systems and and use their data to find out immediately when a campsite becomes available. If the campsite matches your request, we notify you of the opening.

What is the purpose of Campflare?
We believe in increasing the accessibility of our public lands. Please see our Manifesto.

How likely is it that I get a campsite?
Each campsite is different. As a general rule of thumb, many consecutive nights in the same campsite are harder to find and cancellations usually occur more frequently only a few days in advance.

How quickly do I have to book the campsite once I get a notification that it's available?
It depends. In the most popular campgrounds, you only have a short period of time (i.e. seconds). In most campgrounds, however, you probably have a few minutes.

Do you sell or share any of our data?
No, and we never will.

Is Campflare always scanning?
Yes. Campflare scans 24 hours, 7 days a week. We have had nearly zero downtime over the past 3 years.

How do I cancel a request?
There is a link in the bottom of the request confirmation email and each notification to cancel the request.

Does Campflare support international phone numbers?
Unfortunately since SMS messages cost much more for international phone numbers, we do not support them at this time.

Who made Campflare?
We are two brothers from California, both college students.

I am no longer receiving text alerts, what happened?
Due to regulations, replying “STOP” to our phone number will block your phone number from us. This process reversible, just send us an email to with your phone number.

Why can’t you book campsites automatically?
This is prohibited by the Better Online Ticket Sales Act.

What campgrounds does Campflare support?
Currently, we support all campgrounds that are reservable on and 23 state parks. We are working to add support for other campgrounds. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on future campground support. If you have a suggestion for a campground, please let us know.

Where do we get our data?
We are powered by

How accessible is outdoor data?
We believe in Open Data for Open Lands and support Access Land. If you would like to join the movement, or simply learn more, check them out here.

Can I pay a premium to be notified of campsites earlier?
No. At Campflare, we believe in equality for access to our public lands. This is our highest priority and it always will be.

Can I get notifications for more than one campground?
Yes, of course! You can set up notifications for as many campgrounds as you wish.

Can I partner with Campflare?
We are always interested in working with outdoor companies that share our commitment to making public lands more accessible. Please contact us at for more information.

Can I contribute to Campflare?
Yes, contributing — regardless of the amount — helps us immensely. Please see the Contribute page.

Didn’t see your question? Or just want to say hello?
Email us at Alternatively, visit our feedback page. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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