
Sierra National Forest



Recreation use on the Sierra National Forest spans all seasons. People visit the forest for camping, horseback riding, swimming, picnicking, biking and hiking opportunities. Visitors also enjoy fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing, fall-colors, skiing, snowshoeing, and off-highway-vehicle, motorcycle and snowmobile riding.The Sierra National Forest represents experiences through five wilderness areas; two nationally designated wild and scenic rivers; three nationally designated trails, and two national scenic byways.The Sierra’s proximity to Yosemite, Kings Canyon & Sequoia National Parks; and the Inyo National Forest with their many trails, high peaks, rivers, deep canyons, wilderness and big trees defines the forest as “United in Breathtaking Tranquility.”We pride ourselves of the wide variety of natural beauty and recreational opportunities offered to the American public. Begin your adventure today.Select a topic from the drop down menu below then "Go" for more information.Select a Topic: Accessible Recreation OpportunitiesBoatingCampingFirearm SafetyFishingHikingHorseback Riding/Pack StationsLakesMining RegulationsNational Recreation Reservation SystemOff-Highway VehiclesRecreation Residence ProgramPetsScenic BywaysViewing Autumn ColorsWildernessWhite Water RaftingWinter Sports  

Campgrounds inside Sierra National Forest

Wilderness Permits inside Sierra National Forest

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