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Chappie-Shasta Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) area is situated in a wide variety of topography, soil, and vegetation types, from 600 to 5000 feet elevation. It has over 200 miles of roads, trails and scenic views of Mt. Shasta, Lake Shasta, and the Trinity Alps to explore. Tent or trailer camping is available near the area with 27 campsites.

Camp in one of 27 tent/trailer campsites near the Chappie-Shasta Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) area. The Chappie-Shasta OHV area offers over 200 miles of roads and trails on approximately 52,000 acres for off-road enthusiasts. Elevation within this area ranges from 600 to 5000 feet with a wide variety of topography, soil, and vegetation types. The southeastern portions offer rocky and challenging terrain, while the more remote northwestern portions offer scenic views of Mt. Shasta, Lake Shasta, and the Trinity Alps.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Mariners Point Group
Shasta-Trinity National Forest
9.7mi 81%
Bailey Cove
Shasta-Trinity National Forest
9.9mi 70%
Dry Creek Group (Whiskeytown Nra)
Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
10.0mi 56%
Nelson Point
Shasta-Trinity National Forest
10.2mi 79%
Peltier Bridge Primitive
Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
10.9mi 100%
Horse Camp Primitive
Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
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