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Eureka Dunes (Primitive)

Death Valley National Park

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This campground is located at the base of Eureka Dunes, the tallest sand dunes in California and home to several endemic plant species. It is located at an elevation of 2,880ft and only accessible to high-clearance vehicles. Guests should take caution to drive only on existing roads and tread lightly on the dunes to best protect this unique environment.

Remote campground at the base of Eureka Dunes (the tallest sand dunes in California and home to several endemic plant species). This campground is located at 2,880ft and is only accessible to high-clearance vehicles. Please drive only on existing roads and tread lightly on the dunes to protect this fragile and unique environment.
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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Death Valley National Park.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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40.9mi 85%
Grays Meadows
Inyo National Forest
41.4mi 85%
Big Pine Creek
Inyo National Forest
41.4mi 86%
Upper Sage Flat
Inyo National Forest
41.5mi 81%
Onion Valley
Inyo National Forest
43.5mi 83%
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