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Cedar Flat Group

Inyo National Forest

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Cedar Flat Group Sites in the Inyo National Forest provide the perfect location for star gazing, geology and hiking with three large sites accommodating between 25 and 50 people. It is also near the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest and White Mountain Peak, the third highest peak in California.


Cedar Flat Group sites are popular with academic institutions for geology field trips. With no nearby light sources, the night sky is brilliant for star gazing and night photography.


A perfect location for star gazing, geology and hiking.


Three large group camp sites can accommodate between 25 and 50 people. Each has a picnic shelter with table, campfire ring and vault toilet. There is no water at this location nor is there a natural water source. The nearest source for water, food, or fuel is 12 miles away in the town of Big Pine, CA.

Natural Features

Cedar Flat is in the Inyo National Forest, east of the Owens Valley in the White Mountains. The campsites are at an elevation of 7,300ft. and located in an arid landscape dotted with pinyon and juniper trees, rabbit brush and sage.

Nearby Attractions

White Mountain Peak is the third highest peak in California at 14,246 feet. Trails in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest lead to the oldest living trees in the world.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Big Pine Canyon
Inyo National Forest
18.1mi 85%
Big Pine Creek
Inyo National Forest
18.7mi 86%
Upper Sage Flat
Inyo National Forest
18.7mi 81%
Goodale Creek
Alabama Hills
Four Jeffrey
Inyo National Forest
22.0mi 87%
Table Mountain (Inyo)
Inyo National Forest
23.4mi 87%
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