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Belle campground is a unique camping experience, situated at an elevation of 3,800 ft and offering 18 sites. There are only pit toilets, so make sure to bring plenty of water for your needs. The star of the show however is the stunning night sky, making it a perfect spot for stargazers.

This small (18 site) campground is at an elevation of 3,800 ft (1,158 m). First-come, first-served. Pit toilets. No water so bring plenty of your own. Belle is a great campground to see dark night skies.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Sheep Pass Group
Joshua Tree National Park
5.6mi 92%
Joshua Tree National Park
7.8mi 93%
Indian Cove Group
Joshua Tree National Park
10.1mi 92%
Indian Cove
Joshua Tree National Park
11.3mi 95%
Cottonwood Group
Joshua Tree National Park
20.7mi 93%
Cottonwood (Ca)
Joshua Tree National Park
20.7mi 96%
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