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Horse Springs campground offers a secluded escape in the San Bernardino National Forest surrounded by juniper and pine trees with magnificent mountain views. It is close to designated OHV routes and the BLM Juniper Flats district, with 11 single-family campsites offering varying amounts of shade.

Horse Springs Campground


For those visitors who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the nearby Big Bear valley, Horse Springs campground offers a secluded escape unlike many others on the San Bernardino National Forest. Surrounded by a high desert environment, the campground is a cluster of juniper and pine trees that offers sweeping mountain views in all directions.

This campground is ideal for OHV users, as it is close to designated green-sticker routes and close to the forest boundary with the BLM Juniper Flats district. There are 11 single-family campsites, some with lots of shade and others with little to no shade.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Big Pine Equestrian Group
San Bernardino National Forest
4.0mi 92%
Ironwood Group Camp
San Bernardino National Forest
4.7mi 89%
Crab Flats
San Bernardino National Forest
6.2mi 90%
Tent Peg Group
San Bernardino National Forest
6.5mi 95%
Hanna Flat
San Bernardino National Forest
7.1mi 93%
Green Valley
San Bernardino National Forest
7.4mi 92%
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