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Coldbrook Campground is an excellent open-year-round destination for campers of all kinds. It offers 22 shaded campsites at the intersection of Coldbrook and Soldier Creeks and features a fire pit and grill, picnic tables, and potable water. Additionally, it's near the trailhead to Smith Mountain and the popular Bridge to Nowhere hike.

Coldbrook Campground offers 22 shaded campsites* at the intersection of Coldbrook and Soldier Creeks that are open year round. Available on a first-come, first-serve basis, each campsite can fit up eight people and two vehicles (additional fee applies for the second vehicle). This campground is less populated then nearby Crystal Lake Recreation Area. However, it does reach capacity on most summer weekends. Each campsite has a fire pit and grill, and picnic tables are available on the grounds. Potable water is available on the campgrounds. 

The trailhead for the 7-mile round trip hike to the summit of Smith Mountain is just 1/3 of a mile away and the popular Bridge to Nowhere hike is a short drive away. RV's are allowed up to 22 feet, but there are no hookups for electricity or waste.

*Note: Camping - $12 per night per site, $5 for extra vehicle. Day use - $5 per vehicle. Adventure Pass will be honored for day use. Campsites are first-come-first-served. Adventure Pass required for vehicles parked outside the campground. A California Campfire Permit is required. 

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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10.4mi 80%
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