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Blodgett Campground is tucked beneath the towering cliff faces of Blodgett Canyon, and is ideal for rock climbers. It features 5 campsites, 1 walk-in site, plus 1 host site, each with picnic tables, fire rings and a vault toilet, including two accessible campsites. It can accommodate RV's and trailers up to 45 feet in length.

Blodgett Campground consists of 5 campsites, 1 walk-in site, plus 1 host site, complete with picnic tables, fire rings, and a vault toilet. There are two accessible campsites.  The campground rests under the towering cliff faces of Blodgett Canyon which are very popular to rock climbers. Blodgett Canyon Picnic Area is across Blodgett Creek.  Campground can accommodate RV's or trailers to 45 feet.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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Morgan-Case Homestead
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28.1mi 63%
Spring Gulch
Bitterroot National Forest
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