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Dutch George Campground is a lower-elevation campground located adjacent to Colorado Highway 14 and the Cache La Poudre River. It is primarily an open flat area but there are cottonwood and ponderosa pine trees within the riparian zone of the river, providing shade to some of the campsites. This campground is well-suited for larger RVs due to the highway access, paved interior road, and longer parking spurs. There are 20 sites available on a first-come, first-served basis. Each site contains a tent pad, fire grate and picnic table. Popular activities in this area include fishing, four-wheel driving, and simply relaxing near the scenic Cache La Poudre River and Wilderness Area.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Mountain Park
Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests Pawnee Ng
1.5mi 77%
Stove Prairie
Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests Pawnee Ng
2.8mi 74%
Ansel Watrous
Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests Pawnee Ng
5.2mi 74%
Jacks Gulch
Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests Pawnee Ng
5.8mi 77%
West Lake
Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests Pawnee Ng
9.1mi 82%
Dowdy Lake
Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests Pawnee Ng
9.3mi 86%
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