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Big Creek Campground

Olympic National Forest

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Campsites will accommodate tents, trailers, and RVs. The 64 camp units are spaced for privacy in a second-growth forested area. Big Creek, a small stream, is adjacent to the campground. Fires in developed campsites only.

Click here to view a map of the campground. 

Three covered picnic shelters are available for group–day use only. Hiking, mountain climbing, fishing, swimming, and exceptional scenery can be enjoyed in the area. Lake Cushman and the Staircase entrance to Olympic National Park are nearby with a public boat ramp available in vicinity.

A trailhead within the campground accesses Big Creek Campground Trail #827 - a gentle loop around Big Creek Campground, and Upper Big Creek Loop #827.1 a longer loop trail which also links up to the Mt Ellinor Connector Trail #827.2 north of the campground.



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