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The Swisher Lake Campground is situated 8 miles northwest of Eureka and offers 4 sites with tables, fire rings, a vault toilet and a hitching rack. The access road to the campground is only 0.42 miles long and closed to motorized traffic, making it an ideal location for horsemen and hikers.

The Swisher Lake Campground is located 8 miles northwest of Eureka on Sophie Bay road 7160. The campground has 4 sites with tables and fire rings. Amenities include a vault toilet, hitching rack and easy access to the lake. The access road to the campground is 0.42 miles long and closed to all motorized traffic. This campground is popular with horsemen and hikers.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Webb Mtn. Lookout Rental
Kootenai National Forest
14.1mi 86%
Mt. Wam Lookout Cabin Rental
Kootenai National Forest
14.7mi 71%
Mcguire Mtn. Lookout Rental
Kootenai National Forest
20.0mi 92%
North Dickey Lake
Kootenai National Forest
22.0mi 90%
South Dickey Lake
Kootenai National Forest
Upper Ford Cabin Rental
Kootenai National Forest
24.3mi 75%
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