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Dru Barner Campground is located in the Eldorado National Forest, 7.5 miles east of Georgetown on Wentworth Springs Road. It offers an ideal spot for equestrian use, with four water troughs, several pull-through spaces, and access to nonmotorized trails. It also has day-use facilities for staging recreational activities.

The campground is ideal for equestrian use, with four water troughs, several pull through spaces, and access to trails. The park provides day-use facilities for staging nonmotorized trails recreation.

Location: 7.5 miles east of Georgetown on Wentworth Springs Road (Forest Road 1), then 1 mile north east on Forest Road 13N16 and 0.5 miles northwest on Forest Road 13N58.

Dru Barner Recreation Opportunity Guide (ROG) - This guide contain information, maps, and directions to assist you in enjoying your trip to the Eldorado National Forest.

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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Eldorado National Forest.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Auburn State Recreation Area
8.5mi 57%
Stumpy Meadows
Eldorado National Forest
9.7mi 72%
Black Oak
Eldorado National Forest
9.9mi 67%
Ponderosa Cove
Eldorado National Forest
9.9mi 73%
Forbes Creek
Tahoe National Forest
13.0mi 81%
Giant Gap
Tahoe National Forest
13.6mi 84%
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