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Mesquite Spring

Death Valley National Park

We're sorry, this campground is not currently available on Campflare. It may be first come first serve or closed. Click the link below for more info.
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This campground is located 2 miles off of the Scotty's Castle Road below Grapevine Canyon in Death Valley National Park. It offers a great base camp for your adventure with desert mountains and geological features surrounding it. Each site has a fire grate and picnic table, but no hook-ups available.

First come / first served campground at an elevation of 1,800 feet, located 2 miles off of the Scotty’s Castle Road below Grapevine Canyon. It is a great base camp for your adventures in the northern parts of Death ValIey National Park. It is surrounded by desert mountains and geological features. Each site has a fire grate and picnic table. There are no hook-ups available. Fee is paid at the automatic pay station at the front of the campground.
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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Death Valley National Park.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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48.3mi 89%
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Lone Pine
Inyo National Forest
51.8mi 80%
Grays Meadows
Inyo National Forest
53.0mi 85%
Whitney Portal
Inyo National Forest
54.2mi 83%
Onion Valley
Inyo National Forest
55.6mi 83%
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