
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest



Its called God's Country . . . lakes and mountains. The Mogollon Rim made famous by Zane Grey. The White Mountains made green by ponderosa pine, gentled by cold waters flowing to the valleys below and far beyond. It is a physically challenging and rewarding recreational landscape. A place of spiritual renewal and more . . .  Enjoy your National Forests but please remember: FIREWORKS are not allowed on the National Forest. When camping or picnicking, please keep your site clean; free from trash and food. Otherwise animals and insects are attracted to your site. Please practice Leave No Trace ethics... Bag your trash and take it home with you. Help us keep our forests clean and green by "Packing It Out!" Feel free to have a campfire but ALWAYS be in attendance of your fire; when you leave, PUT IT OUT- COLD OUT! Put lots of water on it (about 5 gallons), mix and stir dirt in, then do it again until you can put your bare hand on the coals and they are cool to the touch! Putting your fire out can take awhile. Please start extinguishing it BEFORE you start packing up. Human Waste is a big problem when thousands of people converge on the Forest. Please see Leave No Trace - Dispose of Waste Properly for detailed instructions on handling this "delicate" situation. Sharing the trail with horses: Here’s a great resource on sharing trails with horses, mountain bikers, and hikers: “What a Horse Sees!” – a short film illustrating safe ways of passing horse and rider on the trail. With your help, we can protect our natural resources for future generations. Thank you!

Campgrounds inside Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest

Made with ❤️ in Mammoth Lakes
This site is not endorsed by A Vay project.