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Natural Bridges campground is an ideal spot for a peaceful camping experience. Nestled among the juniper trees, the campground is situated next to the park's visitor center. Each site is equipped with a fire grill, picnic table, and tent pad, however, there is no running water, electricity, or hookups.

Camp in solitude among the juniper trees at Natural Bridges campground. The campground is conveniently located next to the visitor center off the main park road. Campsites are first-come, first-served and open year-round. Each site has a fire grill, picnic table, and tent pad, but no running water, electricity, or hookups.
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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Natural Bridges National Monument.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Sand Island Group Sites
Sand Island Recreation Area
Bears Ears National Monument
Devils Canyon
Manti-La Sal National Forest
Manti-La Sal National Forest
Canyonlands National Park Needles District
Canyonlands National Park
40.6mi 68%
Superbowl Group Site
Bears Ears National Monument
42.0mi 43%
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