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Jackpine Flats

Kootenai National Forest

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Jackpine Flats campground is a great outdoor spot for tent or pop up trailer camping, located 20 miles south of Trout Creek on Beaver Creek road 152. It has one site with a table, fire ring, and a vault toilet. To reach the campground, take Beaver Creek road 152 for 9 miles from Hwy 200.

The Jackpine Flats campground is located 20 miles south of Trout Creek on Beaver Creek road 152. The campground has 1 site with table and fire ring. This campsite is best suited for tents or a pop up trailer as there is limited space to maneuver an RV. Amenities include a vault toilet.

From Hwy 200 follow Beaver Creek road 152 for approximately 9 miles to the campground.

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