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Black Rock Campground is a dispersed campground located on the Northeast corner of Ishi Wilderness, accessible via a dirt road from Red Bluff. It offers 6 primitive sites with grills and tables, and provides year-round access to hiking, fishing and amazing views.

Black Rock Campground is a dispersed campground situated in the Oak Woodlands along Mill Creek. 6 sites are available for primitive dispersed camping. Grills and tables are provided at each of the 6 sites. Black Rock Campground is open year round.

Black Rock Campground is located on the Northeast corner of the Ishi Wilderness. Hiking in the Ishi and along Mill Creek is wonderful and the fishing in Deer and Mill Creeks can be very rewarding. Black Rock Campground is accessible via Highway 36 east from Red Bluff to Ponderosa Way. Ponderosa Way is a dirt road, not recommended for RVs, that leads to the Ishi Wilderness.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Gurnsey Creek
Lassen National Forest
17.4mi 68%
Warner Valley
Lassen Volcanic National Park
24.4mi 79%
Manzanita Lake Group
Lassen Volcanic National Park
25.1mi 77%
Manzanita Lake
Lassen Volcanic National Park
25.1mi 88%
Manzanita Lake Camping Cabins (Ca)
Lassen Volcanic National Park
25.2mi 80%
Sycamore Grove (Red Bluff)
Mendocino National Forest
26.0mi 100%
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