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This secluded forest camp offers stunning views of the Mogollon Rim, a 2000ft escarpment that marks the southern edge of the Colorado Plateau, and access to Knoll Lake for fishing and small boat tours. Visitors can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking and horseback riding.

[photo] Knoll Lake - Click for Larger viewThis secluded forest camp offers easy access to two features of high visitor interest.

The first is Knoll Lake, a medium-sized body of water tucked away in a picturesque setting. People come here to fish for trout and tour the lake in small boats.

The second feature of interest near this campground is the spectacular Mogollon Rim, a two thousand foot escarpment that marks the southern edge of the Colorado Plateau. This picturesque plunge from cool highlands to low deserts extends across most of Arizona. The area around Knoll Lake, however, is the home of some of the Rim's most magnificent views. It provides a scenic setting for hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding or just sitting back and enjoying the panorama.

Group Campouts and Events: This campground does not have facilities for large groups or group activities. If one campsite cannot accommodate your group (eight at a single site, 16 at a double site), please call the Mogollon Rim Ranger District at 928-477-2255 to plan your group camp-out at Elks, Moqui, or Long Valley group campgrounds.


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Camping: Knoll Lake Campground


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