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Meadow Valley

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This scenic campground lies at the south end of the Mt. Wilson volcanic caldera, providing stunning views and a variety of camping and outdoor activities near Eagle Valley Reservoir. It has two areas; the upper one offers four camping spots with tables and fire rings, while the lower one is a primitive area with no amenities.

Located at the south end of the Mt. Wilson volcanic caldera, this scenic area offers a variety of camping and outdoor pleasures. A popular camping area for users of Eagle Valley Reservoir. There are two camping areas in the upper Meadow Valley. The area west of the highway has a rest room and four camping spots with tables, and fire rings, but camper access is not advised. The lower campground on the east side of the road is a primitive camping area with no amenities and easy camper access.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Gl Loop 1
Gunlock State Park
Gl Loop 2
Gunlock State Park
Rocky Peak
Three Peaks Recreation Area
Pine Valley Guard Station
Dixie National Forest
Pine Valley Recreation Area
Dixie National Forest
59.5mi 78%
Snow Canyon State Park
63.7mi 63%
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