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This campground is tucked away near the Queets River and can only be reached from the Upper Queets River Road. It is a tranquil and secluded spot perfect for a peaceful getaway.

Relax in this secluded campground near the Queets River. This campground is only accessible from the Upper Queets River Road due to a past mudslide
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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Olympic National Park.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Olympic National Forest
13.5mi 68%
Hoh Rainforest
Olympic National Park
16.5mi 90%
Olympic National Park
16.7mi 90%
Sol Duc Hot Springs Resort
Olympic National Park
24.7mi 89%
Olympic National Forest
25.2mi 70%
Olympic National Park
31.0mi 89%
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