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Kīpahulu Campground

We're sorry, this campground is not currently available on Campflare. It may be first come first serve or closed. Click the link below for more info.
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The Kīpahulu campground is about 1/8 mile (.2km) south of the Kīpahulu Visitor Center. It overlooks ocean cliffs and is a short walk from 'Ohe'o Gulch. The campground has picnic tables, BBQ grills, and pit toilets. No water is available at Kīpahulu Campground; However, drinking water is available at the Kīpahulu Visitor Center restrooms. There are two general stores in the nearby town of Hāna (10 miles [16km] away) where you can purchase water and basic food supplies.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Haleakala National Park (Wilderness Tent Permits)
Haleakalā National Park
12.5mi 92%
Lower Loop (Sites 1-13)
Van Damme State Park
2300.8mi 74%
Group Camping Area
Van Damme State Park
2301.0mi 81%
Upper Loop (Sites 31-74)
Van Damme State Park
2301.0mi 82%
Little River Spur (Sites 14-30)
Van Damme State Park
2301.1mi 82%
Group Camping Area
Russian Gulch State Park
2301.7mi 42%
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