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Balsam Mtn Campground offers an unforgettable outdoor experience surrounded by stunning mountain ranges and pristine streams. At 5,300 feet, the campground enjoys moderate temperatures and heavy rainfall, making it perfect for camping. Both tents and RVs are welcome at the campground.

Mountain ranges and pristine streams are the backdrop for your camping adventure in Balsam Mt. At 5,300 feet, Balsam Mtn. provides a moderate climate, characterized by mild summer temperatures with heavy rainfall. Balsam Mtn. Campground offers an unforgettable outdoor experience with campsites for tents as well as RVs.
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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Round Bottom Horse Camp
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
4.2mi 100%
Cataloochee Horse Camp
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
5.5mi 100%
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
5.7mi 88%
Tow String Horse Camp
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
7.2mi 100%
Smokemont Group Camp
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
7.6mi 100%
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
7.6mi 96%
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