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El Morro National Monument campground offers 9 sites year-round available on a first-come-first-served basis. Each site has a graveled tent pad, picnic table and ground grill for fires. Water is available during warmer months and motor homes up to 27 feet are welcome, with one of the sites being handicapped accessible.

El Morro National Monument operates a nine-site campground year-round. First come-first served. Each site has a graveled tent pad, picnic table and ground grill for fires. During the warmer months, water is available at spigots that are centrally located along the campground loop road. Once the overnight low's begin to reach freezing temperatures, water is turned off for the season. There are no hookups for RVs. The length limit on all motor homes is 27 feet overall. One site, #5, is handicapped accessible.
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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Upper Electric Loop
Bluewater Lake
Canyonside Non-Electric
Bluewater Lake
Pinon Cliff Non-Electric
Bluewater Lake
Lower Electric Loop
Bluewater Lake
Bluewater Lake
Bluewater Lake
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