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Bald Eagle Island Hiker-Biker Overnight (Hbo) Campsite

Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park

We're sorry, this campground is not currently available on Campflare. It may be first come first serve or closed. Click the link below for more info.
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Mile 50.3 campground is located along the towpath and offers a chemical toilet, picnic table, grill, and drinking water. Though water may not be available at each camp site, it is treated with iodine. However, water is turned off from mid-November to mid-April each year.

Mile 50.3 - Hiker-biker campgrounds are located along the towpath approximately every 5-7 miles. No fee or reservation required. Overnight stays are limited to one night. All sites include a chemical toilet, picnic table, grill, and drinking water. Please Note: Potable water may not be available at each campsite. Water is treated with iodine. Please plan to have water purification tablets with you. Water is turned off from mid-November to mid-April each year.
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Campground Matrix

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