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This campground is located at a 2100 ft elevation, along the Lochsa River, with both tent and RV sites, as well as group sites and a playground. It is popular in the spring for its whitewater sports, and offers various trails to explore. Fishing is allowed in the river, but certain species may require catch and release rules. Wildlife such as moose are often seen in the area.

2,100 foot elevation. 4 tent sites, 85 sites for tents or RVs, 2 group sites, and a playground on the Lochsa River. One campground loop is reserved for campers with horses and other stock. It has hitching rails, stock water, stock loading ramp and feeders. There is one trail outfitter at the campground. The campground is often visited by moose and other wildlife. The Lochsa River is popular in the spring for whitewater sports. There are a number of river accesses near the campground along US 12. Fishing for chinook salmon, steelhead, cutthroat and bull trout and mountain whitefish. Catch and release rules apply to some of these species; please check current regulations. Hiking or horseback riding on Boulder Creek Trail, Lochsa River Access Trail, Downriver Trail Scenic Overlook and Lochsa Park Trail. The Boulder Creek Trail leads to the Stanley Hot Springs, and most trails access the Bitterroot-Selway Wilderness.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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Liz Creek Cabin
Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests
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Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests
Liz Butte Cabin
Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests
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