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Wild Goose Campground is situated along the stunning Highway 12, providing the perfect spot for outdoor river adventures. Visitors can enjoy activities such as swimming, kayaking, and tubing, with equipment rental and guided trips available nearby. With 8 campsites, 2 toilets, and gravel parking, it's perfect for RV's up to 24ft. long.

Situated along the middle fork of the Clearwater River at milepost 98 on scenic Highway 12, Wild Goose Campground offers a superb location to feel the sand between your toes while deciding on which river adventure you want to enjoy. Tubing, swimming and whitewater kayaking are just a few of the water sports you and your family can choose from, and guided trips and equipment rental are available in the nearby towns of Syringa and Lowel, Idaho. With eight campsites, two toilets and gravel parking, this site could be the perfect spot for your next outdoor water sport adventure.

The Campground will accomodate 24-ft. RV's.

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