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Sagehen Creek

Tahoe National Forest

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Sagehen Creek Campground is a remote, rustic campground in the Sierra Nevada perfect for camping, with vault toilets, picnic tables, and fire rings. Firewood is not provided, but the area is full of natural beauty to explore and enjoy. Camping is limited to 14 days per year, and no reservations are required - first come, first served.

Sagehen Creek Campground is a remote, rustic campground along Sagehen Creek approximately seven miles west of Highway 89 North. It is adjacent to a beautiful meadow with shade provided by lodgepole pine. Prepare for mosquitos in the early camping season. Not suitable for large RVs. Rough native surface roads in campground. Accessible vault toilet. Picnic tables and fire rings provided. Firewood not available for purchase. Elevation: 6500 feet.

No water or trash services provided. Pack it in, pack it out

No fee for staying in Sagehen Creek campground. No reservations – first come, first served.


Directions:  From Truckee take Highway 89 North for approximately eight miles to Sagehen Summit. Take a left onto 260 Road and go approximately 0.10 mile to four-way intersection. Continue on 260 Road (middle road, not to field station) for approximately 1.5 miles. Take a left onto 11 Road for approximately three miles. At bottom of paved hill, take a left at Sagehen Campground sign. Campground will be on the right in approximately 0.5 mile.

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7.9mi 75%
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