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Teleli Pulaya (Black Oak)

Stanislaus National Forest

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TeleLi puLaya Campground is a newly opened campground that offers stunning views of the Stanislaus River Canyon. It has 22 sites, two of which are group sites, and amenities such as paved roads and parking pads, restrooms, tables, metal fire rings, potable water and vehicle parking.

TeleLi puLaya (Black Oak) CampgroundTeleLi puLaya RestroomTeleLi puLaya (Black Oak) Campground Information BoardTeleLi puLaya (Black Oak) CampgroundTeleLi puLaya (Black Oak) Campground


TeleLi puLaya Campground is a new campground, which opened in 2014 and provides spectacular views of the Stanislaus River Canyon. Turn left at the Beardsley Dam sign on Highway 108, 5 miles east of the Summit Ranger Station on Highway 108. There are a total of 22 sites, two are group sites. The main road and parking pads are paved. Restrooms are vault toilets. Each site has a table and metal fire ring. Potable water is available; each hydrant serves several sites. A fee is charged for extra vehicle parking. There is no hiking trails to the reservoir.

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13.8mi 79%
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