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Meadowview Campground is a popular spot near Pinecrest Lake, with 100 paved camping sites that have stoves, fire pits, tables, and water hydrants. All restrooms have flush toilets and sinks. It is usually packed on weekends and many weekdays, so it is best to arrive early in the day to ensure you get a spot.

Meadowview Campground Meadowview Sign Meadowview Campground


Meadowview Campground is situated in the Pinecrest Basin approximately one mile from the Pinecrest Lake Day Use Area and ½ mile off of Highway 108 and the Summit Ranger Station. Campers are welcome on a first-come, first-served basis. It has 100 camping sites, each of which has a metal stove/ fire pit and a table. Roads and parking areas, which vary in length, are paved. Water hydrants are located to serve several sites. All restrooms have flush toilets and sinks. This campground fills nightly on weekends and many weekdays between Memorial Day and Labor Day. It is recommended that you arrive early in the day if you plan to find an available site.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Pinecrest Day Use Area
Stanislaus National Forest
0.6mi 91%
Pioneer Trail
Stanislaus National Forest
0.8mi 83%
North Grove Environmental
Calaveras Big Trees State Park
14.7mi 79%
Cherry Valley
Stanislaus National Forest
14.8mi 79%
Oak Hollow
Calaveras Big Trees State Park
16.4mi 77%
Oak Hollow Environmental North
Calaveras Big Trees State Park
16.4mi 78%
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