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Sweetwater Campground

Stanislaus National Forest

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Sweetwater Campground Sweetwater Campground Sign Sweetwater Campground Restroom

Sweetwater Campground is located on a mixed conifer forested site adjacent to Highway 120, in close proximity to Yosemite National Park. Sites offer camping furniture (picnic tables, campfire pit with grill). Accessible vault toilets are available and potable water is available over the summer season (May – Sep).

Please use caution while in the
Rim Fire Burned Area.
Potential hazards include loose and falling rocks, flash floods, and debris flows.
Trees may have been weakened from fire damage and ongoing drought and may fall at any time.
Stay on designated roads and trails and within opened areas.
Be alert for falling objects and do not linger around large trees.
Avoid the area during high winds or heavy rain.
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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Stanislaus National Forest.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Lost Claim
Stanislaus National Forest
2.4mi 70%
Pines Stanislaus
Stanislaus National Forest
4.9mi 75%
Pines Group Stanislaus
Stanislaus National Forest
5.0mi 86%
Hodgdon Meadow
Yosemite National Park
7.8mi 93%
Dimond O
Stanislaus National Forest
7.9mi 75%
Crane Flat
Yosemite National Park
9.7mi 93%
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