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South Fork Campground is located near the confluence of two rivers in the Tuolumne-Lumsden Recreation Area, with picnic tables, campfire pits, grills and a vault toilet. Water is available from the river but must be treated before drinking. Caution should be taken when in the Rim Fire Burned Area due to potential hazards.

South Fork Campground South Fork Campground Sign South Fork Campground Restroom


South Fork Campground is on a low elevation site near the confluence of the South Fork Tuolumne River and the Tuolumne Wild & Scenic River approximately one mile from Lumsden Campground and Lumsden Bridge Campground, within the Tuolumne-Lumsden Recreation Area.

Each site has a picnic table and a campfire pit with a grill. A vault toilet is available in the campground. Untreated water available from river, if running. Treating water before drinking is recommended.

snag tree
Please use caution while in the
Rim Fire Burned Area.
Potential hazards include loose and falling rocks, flash floods, and debris flows.
Trees may have been weakened from fire damage and ongoing drought and may fall at any time.
Stay on designated roads and trails and within opened areas.
Be alert for falling objects and do not linger around large trees.
Avoid the area during high winds or heavy rain.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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3.1mi 86%
Dimond O
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10.1mi 75%
Hodgdon Meadow
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10.2mi 93%
Crane Flat
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12.2mi 93%
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