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Stanislaus River

Stanislaus National Forest

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This campground is nestled in a mature conifer forest near Spicer Reservoir and offers 25 campsites. Each campsite includes a picnic table and access to both hand-pumped water and vault toilets for convenience.

Mature conifer forest on the North Fork Stanislaus River near Spicer Reservoir.  There are 25 campsites with picnic tables, hand pumped water, and vault toilets.

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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Stanislaus National Forest.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
(Lake Alpine) Lodgepole
Stanislaus National Forest
4.0mi 81%
(Lake Alpine) West Shore
Stanislaus National Forest
4.4mi 85%
(Lake Alpine) Silver Tip
Stanislaus National Forest
4.4mi 83%
(Lake Alpine) Pine Marten
Stanislaus National Forest
5.1mi 84%
(Lake Alpine) Silver Valley
Stanislaus National Forest
5.2mi 85%
Bear River Group (Eldorado National Forest, Ca)
Eldorado National Forest
12.1mi 75%
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