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Lower Como is a campground located in the Lake Como Recreation Area below the 913 acre Lake Como. This paved campground features a host site, 10 RVs with electrical and water hookups, handicap accessible vault toilets, and a large, sandy beach with a boat ramp. Visitors should be aware that this is bear country and practice safe food storage techniques.

The campground, a.k.a. Lower Como, is a single loop through a stand of mixed pine and fir trees and one of three campgrounds in the Lake Como Recreation Area.  It is located below Lake Como. The understory is grass with good privacy between campsites. Lake Como Lower Campground is paved and features a host site and ten 125' pull through recreational vehicle (RV) sites (with electrical and water hookups) water, and garbage services. Three sites are handicap accessible, and there are 4 handicap accessible vault toilets located throughout the campground. This is bear country; practice safe food storage techniques. Lake Como is 913 acres.  The beach is large and sandy. The boat ramp is located at the south side of dam.

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