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Buffalo Crossing Campground is an old Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) era site located at the southern end of the East Fork canyon. It offers large camping sites among tall ponderosa pines, grasses, alders, and cottonwoods, and provides easy access to the Black River. The campsites are located a few steps away from the stream to protect the river's unique riparian zone.

At the southern end of the East Fork canyon is Buffalo Crossing Campground, an old Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) era site which actually boasts the largest campsites along the river.

The East Fork meanders through the forested valley shaded by tall ponderosa pines and bordered by grasses, alders, and cottonwoods. Campsites are located a few steps from the stream to protect the Black River's unique riparian zone, but access to the river is easy as the undergrowth serves more to enhance the river's picturesque nature than to obstruct easy passage.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Apache Trout
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6.4mi 77%
Rainbow (Az)
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
6.5mi 78%
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
6.5mi 71%
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
6.6mi 78%
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
6.6mi 71%
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
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