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Rainbow Lakes Campground is located at 10000 feet and adjacent to the Indian Peaks Wilderness. It features 18 first-come, first-served campsites with tent pads, fire grates, picnic tables, vault toilets and trash services. It does not have electricity, hook-ups, dump stations or showers, so water must be brought in. This campground is open mid-June through mid-September and is usually full on the weekends.

This campground is open mid-June through mid-September and located at 10000 feet at the end of the Rainbow Lakes Road and adjacent to the Indian Peaks Wilderness. This road is closed for winter and typically reopens in June. Before traveling to this area, check the Road Status Table.

There are 18 first-come, first-served campsites that accommodate tents (on 14X16 foot tent pads) and small trailers. A maximum of eight people are allowed per site. Campsite 8 is oversized and accomodates up to 15 people. Campsites 15 - 18 are walk in sites for tents. Picnic tables, fire grates, vault toilets and trash services are provided at each campsite. 14-day stay limit. This campground does not feature drinking water, electricity, hook-ups, dump stations, nor showers. Please remember to bring water.

Rainbow Lakes Campground is normally full for the weekend by Friday morning so plan to arrive early. No reservations are accepted.

Click here for a map of this campground.

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