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This campground near Sleeping Elephant Mountain provides 15 sites for smaller RVs with picnic tables and fire pits. Popular activities in the area include fishing, hiking, and scenic driving. The Cache la Poudre River is nearby, but mostly on private land.

This campground is located adjacent to Highway 14 in an open ponderosa pine setting near its namesake, Sleeping Elephant Mountain. The mountain and the inherent sleeping elephant is visible from the campground. The Cache la Poudre River is nearby but it is mostly on private land within the immediate vicinity. There are 15 sites each with a picnic table and fire pit. This is an older facility and will not accommodate larger RVs. Popular activities in the area include fishing, hiking and scenic driving.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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11.1mi 31%
State Forest State Park
11.1mi 56%
North Michigan Cabins
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11.1mi 67%
State Forest State Park
11.1mi 54%
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