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Washington Creek Campground offers stunning views of the North Fork of the Clearwater River and access to the Washington Ridge Trail. Visitors can enjoy camping at one of the 23 campsites with access to restrooms, spigots and the river. Hikers, stock users, bicyclists and motorcyclists can take advantage of the trail while fishing, swimming or simply dipping toes into the river.

Crossing the bridge over to Washington Creek Campground, visitors gain a splendid view overlooking the North Fork of the Clearwater River.  This campground offers one host site and 23 campsites (including one group site).  Each site contains a gravel parking pad, picnic table and fire ring, with access to 5 restrooms and 3 water spigots which are distributed around the loop for visitors’ convenience. Washington Ridge Trail departs from the campground, offering  visitors quick access to higher elevation perspective.  The trail is open to hikers, stock users, bicyclists and motorcycles.  With river access along the full length of the campground, the area also offers ample opportunities for fishing, swimming or just dipping one’s toes in the crisp clear water.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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Liz Butte Cabin
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24.5mi 50%
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26.3mi 40%
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