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This campground near the Shoshone River provides 31 sites close to Mummy Cave and the Firefighters Memorial. There are two trails, one to a natural bridge and one that leads to the memorial. Hard-sided camping is required due to grizzly bear activity, and there is a 16-day stay limit and available water.

This campground hosts 31 sites near the Shoshone River. Nearby points of interest include Mummy Cave and a memorial to firefighters who died in the 1937 Blackwater Fire. There are two trails, one leading to a natural bridge and the other leading to the Firefighters Memorial.

16-day stay limit
Water: Available
This site is not accessible to persons with mobility impairments
No cell service

Notes: Hard-sided camping only. Due to grizzly bear activity, no tents or pop-up campers allowed. Maximum spur 40 feet.

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