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This campground is located in the town of Custer, a former boomtown during the 1800s. It provides 6 sites with picnic tables, fire rings, and cooking grills, as well as a vault toilet. It is suitable for RVs and trailers of up to 32 feet in length. There is also a museum nearby open during the summer months.

This campground is along the Custer Motorway just above the townsite of Custer, a boom town during the late 1800's. Visit the museum, open 9 - 5 Memorial Day through Labor Day. Facilities include 6 sites with picnic tables and fire rings with cooking grills. Campground has a vault toilet and can accommodate trailers and motorhomes up to 32 feet long.

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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Salmon-Challis National Forest.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Upper O'Brien
Sawtooth National Forest
9.9mi 85%
Lower O'Brien
Sawtooth National Forest
10.0mi 85%
Whiskey Flat
Sawtooth National Forest
11.4mi 76%
Holman Creek
Sawtooth National Forest
12.3mi 71%
Mormon Bend
Sawtooth National Forest
12.9mi 87%
Riverside (Id)
Sawtooth National Forest
12.9mi 86%
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