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This campground offers 8 sites in a primitive setting located 14 miles northeast of Elkins, West Virginia, near the Otter Creek Wilderness. There is stream fishing and a scenic 3.7 mile hiking trail nearby, as well as several challenging trails in the Otter Creek Wilderness.

A small primitive campground located approximately 14 miles northeast of Elkins, West Virginia, on Forest Road 91 (Stuart Drive) near the Otter Creek Wilderness. 8 available sites are nestled along rock outcroppings that offer unique landscapes.

There is stream fishing and hiking located nearby. Middle Point Trail #140, 3.7 miles in length is located along Forest Road 91 (Stuart Drive) west of the Campground. The Otter Creek Wilderness offers several trails and more challenging experiences just next door.  

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Gatewood Group
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Spruce Knob Lake
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15.8mi 55%
Middle Mountain Cabins
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Seneca Shadows
Monongahela National Forest
17.5mi 64%
Horseshoe Recreation Area
Monongahela National Forest
Jess Judy
Monongahela National Forest
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