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Lindbergh Lake

Flathead National Forest

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Lindbergh Lake Campground has 11 accessible campsites with amenities such as fire rings, food storage boxes, and restrooms. Visitors may enjoy activities such as fishing, swimming, and boating, but they should bring their own water source. There is a trail around the west side of the lake, and the maximum trailer length is 20 feet. Packing out trash is required.

Lindbergh Lake Campground has 11 designated campsites. Restrooms, fire rings, and food storage boxes are available. Drinking water is not provided; please bring your own source of water. This campground is wheelchair accessible. Fishing, swimming, and boating may be enjoyed on the lake. The maximum recommended trailer length for this area is 20 feet. Please pack out what you pack in-- no trash service is provided. There is a trail from the campground which leads part of the way around the west side of the lake.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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12.7mi 87%
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