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Spotted Bear Campground

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This is a fee campground for $13 per night/$5 per extra vehicle (no fee  9/30 - 5/15) located 55 miles south of the town of Hungry Horse on the gravel East Side Reservoir Road #38. The campground is located at an elevation of 3,800 feet and is maintained from May 15 through September 30.

Spotted Bear Campground is situated next to the Spotted Bear and South Fork Flathead Rivers just off the East Side Reservoir Road #38. The 13 unit campground is set back from the road and most of the campsites are located above the river. The site is located in a second growth stand of trees. It is a high use site that often has open campsites mid week. It is often used as a base for huckleberry picking or fishing in the summer.

The South Fork Flathead River can be accessed by walking or driving ¼ mile to the Spotted Bear Ranger Station, and then crossing the footbridge across the river, that accesses the sandy beach and river.

Campsites can accommodate tents and trailers up to 32 feet in length. All campsites have tables and metal fire rings. There are accessible vault toilets. There is no potable water after 9/30 - 5/15. Stock is not allowed in the campground.  No garbage service 9/30 - 5/15. The site is operated on a first come, first served basis.

There is a food storage order in effect on all national forest land that requires that human and stock food, garbage, and other attractants be kept unavailable to bears. Your stay may not exceed 14 days. This is a remote location and there is no cell phone service in the area. The closest public phone is located 1/4 mile south at the Spotted Bear Ranger Station. Phone, gas, and food are located 55 miles north in the town of Hungry Horse.

Spotted Bear campsite

Drinking water access - No potable water 9/30 - 5/15.

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