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Collins campground is a tranquil spot located along the Duckabush River, with 16 sites - 10 with RVs, tents and trailers, and 6 tent-only. Swimming in the river should be approached with caution, due to its swift currents, rapids, and waterfalls.

Collins is a quiet campground located along the shore of the Duckabush River. Several of the campsites are near the river. There are 16 campsites, 10 that will accommodate tents, trailers, and RVs. Six of the campsites are tent sites with spurs for parking.

Warning: River contains swift water, rapids, and waterfalls. River is not floatable. Use extreme caution in or near the water.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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41.2mi 65%
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42.0mi 68%
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43.5mi 89%
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