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Gatton Creek /Day Use Area

Olympic National Forest

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Gatton Creek Campground is a picturesque spot located on the south shore of Lake Quinault next to a rainforest stream. It offers 5 walk-in tent campsites, 3 picnic units and opportunity to swim and use non motorized boats nearby. A trailhead across from the campground along South Shore Road leads to Gatton Creek Trail #888.

Gatton Creek Campground is located on the south shore of Lake Quinault next to Gatton Creek, a small rainforest stream. Campsites and the picnic units are located along the shore of the lake with views across the water to the forested slopes of Olympic National Park.

The area provides opportunities to swim and use non motorized boats nearby. There are 5 walk-in campsites that accommodate tents. There are also 3 picnic units. Nearest boat ramps are located at Willaby and Falls Creek Campgrounds.

Access Gatton Creek Trail #888 from the trailhead across from the campground along South Shore Road. 

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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34.1mi 89%
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34.7mi 70%
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