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The Big Eddy Campground is located in Montana near the Idaho border and is equipped with 5 sites, vault toilets, a fully developed boat ramp, and two day use sites. It is also able to accommodate a 30' RV and includes tables, fire rings, a covered shelter and picnic tables.

The Big Eddy Campground is located approximately 6 miles of east of the Idaho border in Montana on Hwy 200. The campground has 5 sites with table and fire rings and will accomodate a 30' RV. Amenities include vault toilets and a fully developed boat ramp with a dock. There is  two day use sites, one with a covered shelter, two picnic tables and fire grills, near the boat ramp.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Bull River Guard Station
Kootenai National Forest
Gem Peak Lookout Rental
Kootenai National Forest
10.6mi 86%
Minton Peak Lookout
Kootenai National Forest
17.9mi 74%
Little Guard Lookout
Idaho Panhandle National Forests
18.6mi 56%
Big Hank
Idaho Panhandle National Forests
Sam Owen
Idaho Panhandle National Forests
19.5mi 82%
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