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The Marten Creek Campground is located 9 miles north of Trout Creek and offers 6 developed sites to accommodate up to 45 people, with 4 of them featuring shelters. The campground also has amenities such as vault toilets, gravel roads, a developed boat launch and dock.

The Marten Creek Campground is located approximately 9 miles north of Trout Creek. The campground has 6 developed sites (4 with shelters) tables and fire rings, and able to accomodate up to a 32' rv. One of these sites is able to accomodate a group of up to 45 people and the larger shelter has 3 tables underneath the pavilion. Amenities include vault toilets, gravel roads throughout, developed boat launch and dock.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Gem Peak Lookout Rental
Kootenai National Forest
7.7mi 86%
Bull River Pavilion
Kootenai National Forest
Sex Peak. Lookout Rental
Kootenai National Forest
12.0mi 80%
Little Guard Lookout
Idaho Panhandle National Forests
13.3mi 56%
Devils Elbow
Idaho Panhandle National Forests
Berlin Flats
Idaho Panhandle National Forests
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