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Rocky Gorge Campground is located in the scenic great outdoors, boasting 60 campsites with tables, fire rings, tent pads, and can accommodate RV's up to 32'. It also offers amenities such as potable water, vault toilets, dock and a fully developed boat launch, making it an ideal spot for a camping adventure.

The Rocky Gorge Campground is located approximately 26 miles southwest of Eureka off Hwy 37.  The campground has 60 campsites including one host site, with tables, fire rings and some with tent pads and able to accomodate up to 32' rv. Amenities include potable water, vault toilets, dock and a fully developed boat launch.

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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Big Creek Baldy. Lookout Rental
Kootenai National Forest
10.7mi 77%
Webb Mtn. Lookout Rental
Kootenai National Forest
11.6mi 86%
Mcgillivray (Mt)
Kootenai National Forest
Kootenai National Forest
Rexford Bench
Kootenai National Forest
18.5mi 70%
North Dickey Lake
Kootenai National Forest
22.3mi 90%
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