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Big Therriault Lake

Kootenai National Forest

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The Big Therriault Lake campground is located 12.5 air miles from Fortine. It offers 10 campsites, including amenities such as potable water, vault toilets, food storage boxes and a boat ramp. Campsites are equipped with tables, fire rings and can accomodate an RV up to 32' in size.

The Big Therriault Lake campground is located 12.5 air miles from Fortine. The campground has 10 campsite, including one host site, with tables, fire rings and able to accomodate up to a 32' rv. Amenities include potable water, vault toilets, food storage boxes and boat ramp developed for small boats.

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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Kootenai National Forest.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Rexford Bench
Kootenai National Forest
13.0mi 70%
Ninko Cabin
Flathead National Forest
13.8mi 82%
North Dickey Lake
Kootenai National Forest
15.2mi 90%
South Dickey Lake
Kootenai National Forest
Hornet Lookout
Flathead National Forest
17.1mi 75%
Wurtz Cabin
Flathead National Forest
22.4mi 82%
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